Developer. Engineer

Growing up

Since last post I haven’t really done that much do gvinum, but a few things.

  • I added a few automated test-scripts to check if a volume behaves properly
  • Go through test-plan and make sure that gvinum passes the tests.
  • I've been thinking a lot on how to best implement growing RAID-5 plexes.
  • I've implemented growing of RAID-5 plexes.

Now, the first and second points are quite boring to do, but I had to do it. Now the last points were trickier, since I didn’t really know where I should start. Finally I decided the best way was to let the plex overwrite itself! A more detalied explanation can be found in the TODO of my perforce branch. I need to test the implementation a bit now. Other than that, I’ve been a bit lazy on my own work this week, and tried to help other students with reviews etc.