Developer. Engineer

Hunting bugs

More status updates… I’ve been fixing many small gvinum bugs the last couple of weeks:

  • The state of gvinum objects were changed after reloading. This meant that objects got the wrong state when gvinum was brought up.
  • Made gvinum always use the most recent configuration it finds when setting object states.
  • Make sure the newest drive is always the newest, and not the first in the drivelist, as was previously assumed.
  • Add "growable"-state to be used when a plex is ready to be grown.
  • Allow a plex to be rebuilt even though it's also growable.
  • Do not change the size of the volume until the plex is completely grown.
  • Add status of growing and rebuild of a plex in the list output.
  • Prevent rebuild to take over the I/O system increasing access-count at the start and end of the rebuild.

Probably a couple of other fixes as well. Also, I’ve updated the vinum-examples page in the handbook to reflect new features and more practical examples. I’ve posted a “call for testers” on current@, arch@ and geom@, and have received some response from people who are willing to help me test. Thanks to them. I’ve uploaded the code-sample that I’ll be delivering to google here: